5 quick videos: Retaining educators of color

by Sharif El-Mekki  |  10.21.21

Many of your fellow leaders have expressed the desire to recruit and retain more educators of color, and Principal Project has partnered with leader Sharif El-Mekki to share his insights on what it means to build a school environment that is inclusive and empowering for all educators. 

5 mentorship tips for retaining new teachers

by Bethany Hill  |  10.15.21

Every school leader knows the importance of retaining and nurturing new teachers. In fact, research shows that retaining quality educators is one of the most impactful ways leaders can boost student achievement – but many new teachers find their first few years challenging, especially those who’ve entered the classroom during the pandemic. That’s why I […]

3 Ways to be Rigorous with Our Care for Our Teams

by Matthew Bowerman  |  10.15.21

I believe that my duty, as a principal and an educator, is to rigorously practice heart-centered, care-centered and belonging-centered engagement with students, staff and families.  I’m 100% clear that this is a tall order. In our daily work, we’re up against hundreds of years of inequity and systemic injustices – including in the education space. […]

How we invite students’ families to plan together with our staff

by Chris DeRemer  |  10.6.21

I lead a high school in a beautiful, vibrant community, with 90% students of color and an active, devoted alumni association. It also happens to be a school in which over 90% of students qualify for free and reduced lunch – and one of the lowest performing schools in the city. In a school balancing […]

#PrincipalHack roundup: 5 ideas your fellow leaders love

by The Principal Project Team  |  9.27.21

As your school year gets under way, we wanted to share some favorite #PrincipalHacks from your fellow leaders, covering everything from family connections to must-have supplies. Thank you for everything you’re doing to support teachers and students right now – from big undertakings to small, meaningful “hacks.”

Why I turned staff meetings into “Faculty Huddles”

by Jennifer Corson  |  9.27.21

I find 10-15-minute, agenda-driven huddles lead to fresher thoughts and more innovation.

How Two Handwritten Letters Can Make a Difference

by Dana Boyd  |  9.24.21

Two letters. One powerful message: You matter to me.

How to get all-staff buy-in on restorative practices

by Brandon Pinkney  |  9.10.21

As you lean into planning for a new year, I know you are thinking through how best to support students in what will hopefully be a more normal year. I’ve worked in several schools as a leader, and what I’ve learned is we have to teach to the heart before we can teach to the […]

3 Steps to Intentional Instructional Leadership

by Ranesia Edwards  |  8.23.21

As a school leader, I know that if my team and I can promote academic success for our students, we can set them up to achieve so much in high school and beyond. If I want to encourage students to excel, I have to equip teachers to excel – and that means working deliberately to […]

5 Ways to Empower Your Counseling Team to Thrive

by Gabbi Buckley  |  8.3.21

My counseling department is so strong because I give them what they need – and get out of their way.

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