Student-ready resources for college and career planning

by Ralph Aiello  |  9.14.21

“When our students are planning their futures, they count on the adults in their school communities for guidance. But for many of us, our own college application experiences happened a long time ago – and career and college planning processes have changed immensely. We might be able to tell our students, ‘Back when I was […]

6 Ways to Make FAFSA Completion a Community-Wide Effort

by Ralph Aiello  |  8.24.21

Take a community approach to boosting FAFSA completion and increasing opportunity.

5 Ways to Empower Your Counseling Team to Thrive

by Gabbi Buckley  |  8.3.21

My counseling department is so strong because I give them what they need – and get out of their way.

3 Ways to Make Sure All Families See College as an Option

by Gabbi Buckley  |  8.3.21

As a first-generation college graduate, I make college readiness a priority for my students and families.

5 Ways School Leaders Can Set ALL Students Up for Success After Graduation

by Jeremy Raff  |  7.28.21

5 ways to build a school culture around future-readiness.

Distributed Leadership: Empowering Teachers to Make a Lasting Difference for Students

by Beulah McLoyd  |  3.1.21

Beulah McLoyd is a former high school principal and now serves as executive director of Program Implementation, Midwest Region, for New Leaders. You can follow her on Twitter at @BeulahMcLoyd. When I first took on the principal role at a Chicago high school for the arts, I was charged with reopening a school that had […]

#WhyILeadNow: If we want to be all in for kids, we need to be all in for staff.

by Greg Moffitt  |  1.29.21

In the spring of 2020, when COVID-19 first prompted schools in the United States to shift to distance learning, our team was all in for kids. We connected with each family. We put together online resources. We copied paper packets. We made an “I miss you” video and organized a drive-thru car parade to wave […]

Reimagining Education: 4 steps for school leaders to leverage project-based learning and design thinking

by Kelby Benedict  |  1.26.21

Before the pandemic hit, I was focusing on something exciting: Getting ready to open a new 6-12 school in my district, built around project-based learning and design thinking. I want to reimagine school so students play a larger role in mapping their own learning paths – and my goal is for every student to discover […]

#WhyILeadNow: to inspire my teachers, so they can keep showing up for kids.

by Latrese Younger  |  1.25.21

This year is so hard for everyone, and our teachers are feeling it. They came into this work because they love kids, and distance and hybrid learning have changed what those connections feel like. For those teaching virtually, it’s challenging to teach to 30 boxes. Putting eyes on your students helps put things in perspective. […]

5 ed tech tips for school leaders, from a director of technology

by Martin Cisneros  |  11.24.20

Martin Cisneros is a district director of technology in San Jose, CA. You can follow him on Twitter @TheTechProfe. I became a district director of technology because I’m passionate about edtech, and I wanted to have a hand in expanding blended learning practices. This school year, I’ve certainly gotten my wish. I’m amazed by what […]

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