How I encourage every student to become a “math person”

by  |  2.14.22

I’m the principal of a K-8 school serving students and families in a high-poverty community. When I first joined my school community, we were on the brink of closing. But in the last few years, my team and I have empowered our students to grow from the 18th percentile in math to reach and surpass […]

Honoring Black History (in February and Beyond)

by  |  2.7.22

There are so many things I love about Dawson Elementary School. One of those things is the amazing diversity here. We’re just so fortunate to have such a variety of different cultures, backgrounds and perspectives. I believe only greatness can come from that. Our school is a truly special place to be, and part of […]

How Our Community Came Together for Black History Month

by  |  2.1.22

Both of us grew up in Linden, and we both serve here now – Allison as an educator and Laurence as an administrator. Last school year, as we considered how we could recognize and honor Black History Month, a thought occurred to us: Why not highlight the influential figures who came out of our own […]

Let’s recommit to the power of listening

by  |  1.18.22

At the start of the pandemic, one major adjustment we had to make was accepting that the new challenges weren’t going to end quickly. For me, the hardest part has been trying to maintain a sense of consistency and community. As my team faces each new challenge, I try to bring our work back to […]

Shadowing a Student: A #PrincipalHack That Keeps Me Grounded

by  |  12.7.21

Seeing the school from a student’s perspective sharpens all of my decisions.

How I Make Student Relationships a Schoolwide Priority

by  |  12.6.21

Promoting achievement means making sure every student has champions at school. Here’s my approach.

5 Communication Tips for Strong Instructional Leadership

by  |  11.8.21

I’m a STEM coach, which puts me in a unique position as an instructional leader. I’m a member of the leadership team, but I’m not a principal or administrator. I’m an educator but not a current classroom teacher. As a result of my role, I am able to see what leaders and teachers each prioritize […]

5 quick videos: Retaining educators of color

by  |  10.21.21

Many of your fellow leaders have expressed the desire to recruit and retain more educators of color, and Principal Project has partnered with leader Sharif El-Mekki to share his insights on what it means to build a school environment that is inclusive and empowering for all educators. 

5 mentorship tips for retaining new teachers

by  |  10.15.21

Every school leader knows the importance of retaining and nurturing new teachers. In fact, research shows that retaining quality educators is one of the most impactful ways leaders can boost student achievement – but many new teachers find their first few years challenging, especially those who’ve entered the classroom during the pandemic. That’s why I […]

3 Ways to be Rigorous with Our Care for Our Teams

by  |  10.15.21

I believe that my duty, as a principal and an educator, is to rigorously practice heart-centered, care-centered and belonging-centered engagement with students, staff and families.  I’m 100% clear that this is a tall order. In our daily work, we’re up against hundreds of years of inequity and systemic injustices – including in the education space. […]

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