Supporting new ELL students this year? Here’s my advice.

Here’s a situation your fellow leaders have shared: You’re welcoming new English language learners and immigrant students into your building, and your team has questions about how to support their success. 

Longtime ESL educator and district facilitator Valentina Gonzalez knows this challenge well, too. Here’s the No. 1 strategy she recommends to school leaders like you.

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How we cut chronic absenteeism in half

by  |  2.4.25

When I took the helm as principal of Nathanael Greene Middle School in April 2023, one in every two students was chronically absent. This school boasted a celebrated history, but at the time, it ranked in the bottom 1% of the state – a one-star school.  It was identified for comprehensive support and school improvement.  […]

Creating joyful foundations: How celebrating Black History Month nurtures and inspires our school community

by  |  1.31.25

In our building, we have a commitment to honoring the experiences of all our students and families. We have students from all over the world with rich and diverse histories and cultures, and we want each and every child and the adults in their lives to feel like they belong. What’s more is that we […]