Restorative Practices Roundup: 5 Leaders, 5 Stories“RP has become increasingly important as a tool for educators who are struggling to meet the educational and social-emotional needs of children surviving a pandemic.”
— Karen Webber
3 Steps to Intentional Instructional Leadership“If I want to encourage students to excel, I have to equip teachers to excel – and that means working deliberately to provide my team with the tools, structures and support they need.”
— Ranesia Edwards
It’s time to mathematize our schools“School leaders like you have an important role to play in building a school-wide positive math culture, regardless of your own background in math. Research shows that the way adults talk about math powerfully shapes students’ math mindsets.”
— Margie Pearse
#ClosedNotClosed: Principal Kristen Kuhlmann Creates a Socially Distant Graduation Ceremony
Kristen Kuhlmann is a high school principal in Andover, Kansas. You can follow her on Twitter at @AHSPrincipal385. As the end of this complicated year approaches, I know how much our school community would love to hold a traditional commencement ceremony for our seniors. This is a tough call for every principal, and I considered […]
Changemakers: How Principal Erik Naglee is Using Twitter and Video to Celebrate Senior Students During COVID-19 Closures
Erik Naglee is a high school principal in Greensboro, North Carolina. You can follow him on Twitter at @nagleee. This is an anxious time for students and families. I know I’m not the only principal who’s been up at night thinking about how I can support our kids – not only by working to meet […]
5 Ways to Maintain Positive Connections with Teachers
Lisa Meade is a high school principal in upstate New York. You can follow her on Twitter @LisaMeade23. This Teacher Appreciation Week, I’m feeling especially grateful for all the ways teachers are going above and beyond, especially in the building I am fortunate to be a part of – Granville Jr./Sr. High School, located in […]
#PrincipalHacks: 7 Tips for Virtual Meetings, from Your Fellow School Leaders
The challenges presented by COVID-19 are changing what it means to connect with your school community. Already, your fellow lead learners are doing what leaders do: finding a way. From offering emotional support at a distance to making sure everyone feels comfortable with new technology, you’re figuring out ways to provide support for kids and […]
Leader’s Digest with Principal Jessica Cabeen
Issue #2: Connection and self-care during COVID-19 Sign up here to get #PrincipalProject newsletters like this in your inbox! Jessica Cabeen is a middle school principal in Austin, Minnesota, the author of Lead with Grace and the co-author of Balance Like a Pirate. School leaders, I want to ask something I know you’re asking everyone […]
Leader’s Digest with Sharif El-Mekki
Issue #1: Black History Month, ed equity and more Sign up here to get #PrincipalProject newsletters like this in your inbox! Sharif El-Mekki is a former middle school principal in Philadelphia. He now serves as director of the Center for Black Educator Development. If you can’t see something, it’s harder to see it as a […]
Recharge: Filling Up on Self-Care with Jody Ratti — How I use my 45-minute commute
Before becoming a school leader, I wasn’t as deliberate about making time to reflect. Now, I know that doing my work well depends on dedicated, personal reflection. I really valued winter break as a chance to slow down, spend time with my family and get the mental space that allows me to come back into […]
15 Pieces of Advice and Encouragement from your Fellow Principals and APs
We asked you and school leaders in the #PrincipalProject community to answer a question on Twitter: What tips or encouragement would you give a fellow principal or AP? Whether you’re a veteran administrator or starting your first year as a principal, we hope you find inspiration and encouragement from lead learners in this community: “Go […]
Our School Has a 50% Chronic Absentee Issue – And Here’s What We’re Doing About It
I’m an assistant principal at a middle school. I work with students who have so much heart and character. They are so unafraid to speak truth and I really admire that. I also get the honor to work alongside some of the best teachers I know. They get up and teach our students daily because […]
Partnering with Families to Build a Culture that Welcomes All Kids
When I think about attendance, I really think about whether students feel welcome and if they have a sense of comfort in the building. If they do, they’re going to want to be at school. I’m an associate principal at a suburban middle school, with about a 50% free or reduced lunch population. When we […]
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