3 ways I promote anti-bias teaching with my team

by  |  7.16.21

Leading anti-racist instruction means shining a light on unconscious bias with our teams

Drafting a master schedule: equity, connection & growth

by  |  7.13.21

As you build your master schedule, take a tip or two from your fellow leaders.

3 Ways Every School Leader Can Help Build a Pipeline of Educators of Color

by  |  6.24.21

This is part of a series on recruiting and retaining teachers of color, presented in collaboration with leader Sharif El-Mekki. The first post, on focusing on the prerequisites for recruitment, can be found here. The second post, on six steps for more inclusive hiring, can be found here.  When I first became a principal, I […]

6 Strategies for Bringing More Educators of Color to Your Team

by  |  6.17.21

This is part of a series on recruiting and retaining teachers of color, presented in collaboration with leader Sharif El-Mekki. The first post, on focusing on the prerequisites for recruitment, can be found here.  By now, most school leaders are familiar with the research that all students benefit when they learn from Black educators and […]

Want more culturally responsive instruction? Start with restorative practices.

by  |  6.8.21

In conversations with folks who are newer to restorative practices (RP), I often hear that they’re familiar with the idea of restorative circles – but that’s it. And while restorative circles are valuable and transformative, the reality is that RP isn’t just about community-building or reforming your school’s approach to discipline. Restorative practices shift teachers’ […]

7 Principal–Tested Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas

by  |  5.4.21

Teacher Appreciation Week is here! For leaders like you, showing appreciation doesn’t always have to involve elaborate gestures. It can be as simple as sharing heartfelt words or offering teachers the gift of time.  Here are 7 ideas from leaders in the Principal Project community:

School leaders, are we giving teachers mixed messages about “self-care”? Here are 3 ways to get it right.

by  |  4.30.21

Today, I called a teacher to ask how she was doing. Halfway through the conversation, she stopped me and confessed, “I was dreading this phone call.” When I asked why, she said, “Because there are so many things I know I haven’t done yet, and I thought you were going to ask me for them.” […]

SEL for School Leaders: 5 Strategies for Adaptive Leadership (Part 3 of 3)

by  |  4.2.21

This is part of our series on supporting the capacity of leaders to foster the psychological safety and well-being of staff, in partnership with leaders in Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Check out Part 1 on building emotional capacity, Part 2 on meeting design and facilitation and the full deck of strategies. “If there was […]

In 18 years of being a principal, implementing restorative practices is the most valuable thing I’ve done.

by  |  3.26.21

In Principal Matt Hornbeck’s school community, implementing restorative practices reduced detentions, suspensions and office referrals and increased teacher retention.

SEL for School Leaders: 5 Strategies for Meeting Design & Facilitation (Part 2 of 3)

by  |  3.26.21

This is part of our series on supporting the capacity of leaders to foster the psychological safety and well-being of staff, in partnership with leaders in Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Check out Part 1 on building emotional capacity and the full deck of strategies. Shifting meetings online can seem straightforward: You schedule a meeting, you […]

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