How Two Handwritten Letters Can Make a Difference

by  |  9.24.21

Two letters. One powerful message: You matter to me.

Using student data to inform equity goals

by  |  9.23.21

As my district’s director of equity and inclusion, I know how much school leaders care about promoting success for every student, beginning on the very first day of school. This year is off to a complicated start, and I also know that it can be easy to feel like we’re already behind on planning anti-racist […]

3 Pillars for Building a Restorative Practices Culture

by  |  9.16.21

My journey with restorative practices is similar to that of a lot of folks who believe in the power of student relationships.  After years as a teacher, assistant principal and then as a principal in Baltimore, I’d seen the impact that investing in relationships can have on school culture and on students’ futures, and I […]

Student-ready resources for college and career planning

by  |  9.14.21

“When our students are planning their futures, they count on the adults in their school communities for guidance. But for many of us, our own college application experiences happened a long time ago – and career and college planning processes have changed immensely. We might be able to tell our students, ‘Back when I was […]

How to get all-staff buy-in on restorative practices

by  |  9.10.21

As you lean into planning for a new year, I know you are thinking through how best to support students in what will hopefully be a more normal year. I’ve worked in several schools as a leader, and what I’ve learned is we have to teach to the heart before we can teach to the […]

6 Ways to Make FAFSA Completion a Community-Wide Effort

by  |  8.24.21

Take a community approach to boosting FAFSA completion and increasing opportunity.

3 Steps to Intentional Instructional Leadership

by  |  8.23.21

As a school leader, I know that if my team and I can promote academic success for our students, we can set them up to achieve so much in high school and beyond. If I want to encourage students to excel, I have to equip teachers to excel – and that means working deliberately to […]

5 Ways to Empower Your Counseling Team to Thrive

by  |  8.3.21

My counseling department is so strong because I give them what they need – and get out of their way.

3 Ways to Make Sure All Families See College as an Option

by  |  8.3.21

As a first-generation college graduate, I make college readiness a priority for my students and families.

5 Ways School Leaders Can Set ALL Students Up for Success After Graduation

by  |  7.28.21

5 ways to build a school culture around future-readiness.

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