3 questions to ask yourself when mapping a career in education leadership
Here’s the advice I give my educator friends.
My 4 tips for holding positive, powerful stay interviews
With stay interviews, I’m striving to create a school culture my teachers will never want to leave.
Roundup: Your fellow leaders’ top teacher feedback tips
Visiting classrooms? These leader tips can support your feedback today.
Want to leverage teacher expertise? Try Pop-Up PD.
Pop some popcorn, gather your teachers and learn together.
3 reminders for equity-focused leaders
During Hurricane Katrina, I was a new teacher. In 2020, I was a new principal. Here’s how these experiences shaped my approach to equity.
3 key leadership questions for Black History Month and beyond
With the humanity of our students at stake, we have to sit with some serious questions.
Planning for Black History Month? Here’s some inspiration.
Find resources to share with your teachers and ideas for schoolwide celebrations.
How our school retained educators of color
Here are 3 concrete practices that worked for us.
The single most important change we made to hire more educators of color
We have to commit to recruitment as part of our ongoing, year-round work.
Two steps for supporting teachers with classroom culture challenges
“We are a whole school of PD.” Supporting teachers with student rapport, relationships and routines.